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人声合成音色 – UVI Soundbank Voklm v1.0.2 for Falcon

12.2021 | 484 MB

强大的声音集合,可为您的音乐和乐谱增添气氛、情感重量和动感。 Voklm 以人声为灵感和基础,利用 Falcon 强大的采样和颗粒振荡器来创造丰富而富有表现力的垫子、纹理等。

Voklm 的声音深沉、细致、不断发展且令人回味。范围广泛的有机乐器和音景范围从起伏的颗粒环境到闪闪发光的打击垫等等,分为琶音和序列、氛围、无人机、FX 过渡、打击垫和语音乐器等类别。

Voklm 中的每一种声音都被设计为富有表现力和可播放性,提供独特的控制和宏,让您可以塑造您的声音并创造动态的表演。专用的 ADSR 包络、效果宏等使您可以快速轻松地完美地拨入您的声音。
Falcon 非凡的音质在整个系列中都很明显,它利用了多种合成和声音设计技术以及对效果器和调制器的强大使用。由于 Falcon 的半模块化架构,所有声音都可以快速预览、编辑、分层或以几乎无限的变化进行演奏。


此版本需要 R2R Falcon。


A powerful collection of sounds ready to add atmosphere, emotive weight, and movement to your music and scores. Using the human voice as its inspiration and basis, Voklm makes use of the powerful sampling and granular oscillators of Falcon to create rich and expressive pads, textures and more.

The sounds of Voklm are deep, detailed, evolving and evocative. A wide range of organic instruments and soundscapes range from undulating granular environments to shimmering pads and more, divided into categories such as arps and sequences, atmospheres, drones, FX transitions, pads and voice instruments.

Each of the sounds in Voklm is designed to be expressive and playable, providing unique controls and macros allowing you to sculpt your sound and create dynamic performances. Dedicated ADSR envelopes, effect macros and more make it quick and easy to perfectly dial-in your sound.
The extraordinary sound quality of Falcon is evident throughout this collection, utilizing numerous synthesis and sound design techniques and a robust use of effects and modulators. Sounds can all be quickly previewed, edited, layered or performed with nearly limitless variation thanks to Falcon’s semi-modular architecture.

This release requires R2R Falcon.

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