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Tribe Caribe Bossa Nova Sounds of Brazil WAV

DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 07 September 2023 | 650 MB

Bossa Nova:巴西之声探索了这种桑巴和爵士乐融合而诞生的受人喜爱的流派。 原声吉他是 Bossa Nova 的核心,因此整个包中录制了大量吉他片段,由 Andrés Levin 和 Jaxx Landry 亲自演奏。 安德烈斯在巴西生活和工作了 5 年多,在此期间他成为了巴西音乐风格的鉴赏家。

Bossa Nova 的早期起源可以追溯到 20 世纪 50 年代末,当时一小群主要是中产阶级的学生、艺术家和音乐家聚集在里约热内卢的海滩上,创造了一种新的声音。 这一运动中最有影响力的艺术家包括若昂·吉尔伯托、安东尼奥·卡洛斯·若宾、阿斯特鲁德·吉尔伯托和斯坦·盖茨等。 Bossa Nova 在葡萄牙语中的字面意思是“新趋势”或“新浪潮”。

其他乐器包括长笛、圆号、pandeiro(巴西手鼓)、agogo、surdo、人声、电钢琴和 Ubass(尤克里里低音)。 节奏范围从 80bpm 一直到 170bpm。 鼓和打击乐由传奇的 Azymuth 鼓手 Ivan “Conti” Mamao 录制,他在录制后不久不幸去世。 我们谨以此包纪念他,并感谢他对巴西放克和融合产生的巨大影响。 古巴音乐家 Yaroldi Abreu 录制了额外的打击乐。

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Bossa Nova: Sounds of Brazil explores this beloved genre born of the fusion of Samba and Jazz. The Acoustic Guitar is at the heart of Bossa Nova, so plenty of guitar sessions were recorded across the pack, performed by Andrés Levin and Jaxx Landry themselves. Andrés lived and worked in Brazil for more than 5 years, a timeframe in which he became a connoisseur of Brazilian musical styles.

Bossa Nova’s early origins date back to the late 1950s, when a small group of mainly middle-class students, artists and musicians came together on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro to create a new sound. The most influential artists of this movement were João Gilberto, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz, among others. Bossa Nova literally means “new trend” or “new wave” in Portuguese.

Other instruments included are flute, french horn, pandeiro (brazilian tambourine), agogo, surdo, vocals, electric piano and Ubass (Ukulele Bass). Tempos range from 80bpm all the way to 170bpm. Drums and percussion were recorded by legendary Azymuth drummer Ivan “Conti” Mamao, who sadly passed away shortly after recording them. We would like to dedicate this pack to his memory and thank him for the great impact he made on Brazilian funk and fusion. Additional percussion was recorded by Cuban musician Yaroldi Abreu.

259 Samples

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