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That Sound Punchy Pop WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 19 February 2024 | 526.87 MB

现代社会噪音如此之大,每个人都在试图做出一些事情来打破噪音。 That Sound 为您提供了他们最新产品 Punchy Pop 中的鼓来做到这一点。 Punchy Pop 是一个鼓包,可为您提供紧凑而有力的鼓来贯穿您的混音并为您的创意项目带来能量。

Punchy Pop 借助循环、加花和顶部来帮助您塑造歌曲,并用一次镜头来呈现细节,Punchy Pop 让您能够轻松流畅地为整首歌曲制作鼓。 这就像您触手可及的会议鼓手!

244 样品


With so much noise in our modern society, everyone is trying to make something to cut through. That Sound is giving you the drums to do just that with their latest offering, Punchy Pop. Punchy Pop is a drum pack that will give you tight and punchy drums to cut through your mix and bring the energy to your creative project.

With loops, fills and tops to help you mould your song and one shots to bring the details, Punchy Pop gives you the ability to craft the drums for an entire song with ease and flow. Its like having a session drummer at your fingertips!

244 Samples

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