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Synth Blade DESERT: Cinematic Electronica Presets for Serum

Presets | 707Mb

该补丁库包括 40 个高级预设、56 个自定义波表以及 18 个模拟和 28 个 Xfer Records Serum 现场录音噪声样本。 所有补丁都是基于这些波表/噪声构建的,并具有指定的调制轮以及四个有用的宏。

《沙漠》的声音受到现代电影和配乐的启发,尤其是克里斯托弗·诺兰和丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦的最新电影。 因此,这些 Serum 预设也反映了这些电影的主题:科幻小说、人工智能、赛博朋克、反乌托邦、技术进步和时间操纵。
正如上面所建议的,这个补丁库是为了创建创新的电影配乐而设计的,但与我所有的包一样,这个补丁库在风格上也非常灵活,可以用于各种流派,如电子音乐和 IDM、赛博朋克和合成波、EDM、Trap、Drum & Bass 和 更多的。 除了现代配乐之外,赛博朋克的声音/流派也对该包的创作产生了很大的影响。
这个预设集合中包括有影响力且质感丰富的低音和主音、深沉的电影垫、丰富的拨弦和琴键以及其他令人兴奋的合成器。 总的来说,您会在这个音色库中发现许多有趣的纹理和有机音色,使 Serum 听起来更加生动和模拟。


需要 Xfer Records Serum 版本 1.363 或更高版本。
.fxp 文件不能与血清以外的任何东西一起使用。
此包中不包含 Serum 插件。
该预设包不包含 MIDI 文件。


40 个高级血清预设
SYNTH BLADE 模拟波表卷。 1 + 卷。 2
46 血清噪声样本


This patch bank includes 40 premium presets, 56 custom wavetables and 18 analog and 28 field recording noise samples for Xfer Records Serum. All patches are built on these wavetables / noises and have an assigned mod wheel along with four useful macros.

The sounds of DESERT were inspired by modern cinema and scoring – Especially the latest films by Christopher Nolan and Denis Villeneuve. Therefore, these Serum presets also reflect the themes of those movies: Science fiction, A.I., Cyberpunk, dystopia, technological progress and manipulation of time.
As suggested above this patch bank is made for creating innovative cinematic soundtracks but as with all my packs this one is also very flexible stylistically and can be used for various genres like Electronica & IDM, Cyberpunk & Synthwave, EDM, Trap, Drum & Bass and more. Apart from modern soundtracks the sound/genre of Cyberpunk also has been very influential in the creation of this pack.
Included in this preset collection are impactful and heavily textured bass and leads, deep cinematic pads, lush plucks and keys and other thrilling synths. Overall, you’ll find a lot of intriguing textures and organic timbres in this patch bank that make Serum sound more alive and analogue.

Important Information

Xfer Records Serum Version 1.363 or higher is required.
.fxp files cannot be used with anything else than Serum.
The Serum plugin is not included in this pack.
This preset pack does not include MIDI files.

What’s Inside?

40 Premium Presets for Serum
SYNTH BLADE Analog Wavetables Vol. 1 + Vol. 2
46 Serum noise samples

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