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Sound Dust Plastic Ghost Piano#2 KONTAKT-ohsie

ohsie | 7 December 2023 | 1.02 GB


9 个深度多重采样的钢琴演奏法

1.1GB 24 位多重样本,每个音符最多有 23 个力度级别。


Mod 轮控制的反向引擎

Plastic Ghost Piano#2 是一款温暖、采样丰富的混合钢琴,以一种不太可能的方式使用卷积技术制成。

确实没有其他人能像她一样。 声音范围从温暖、木质和富有表现力的古怪钢琴到幸福的管弦乐。 调制轮表达式通过实时控制打开怪异而华丽的循环、故障和反向钢琴效果。

毫不费力地将“正确的”钢琴声音变成令人欣喜若狂的超凡脱俗 – 然后再回来……然后再回来等等。


“声音尘埃好奇商店中出现的每件乐器都增加了额外的发明层次,这次对塑料幽灵钢琴的重温也不例外。 这是 Pendle 最好玩的一面,他为每个按钮和滚轮加载了将钢琴声音扭曲和变成新东西的方法。 混乱总是隐藏在角落里,但成功在于以某种方式保持事物的有机和美丽,闹鬼和可爱。”马特·戴维森 – 我最喜欢的多次艾美奖获奖作曲家

《White Ghost》是由一架破碎的立式钢琴的录音制成的,其方式与塑料钢琴相同。 速度有 23 层,但使用 Kontakt 中的 Time Machine 引擎,这些层会延伸到整个键盘范围(co 到 c7),这增加了奇怪和意想不到的伪影。

Yellow Ghost 的工作原理与 White Ghost 类似,但具有不同的破碎钢琴样本集和 2 组 10 个力度层。

White Piano 是 Hohner Pianet T 电钢琴的 4 速多样本。 录制干燥,但界面中内置了重新放大的可能性。

Plastic Piano 是在 Technics WSA1 建模键盘上制作的多采样钢琴音色。 然后将每个单独的采样音符加载到卷积混响插件中,并使用不同级别的受控白噪声进行爆破,并将输出记录并重新映射为 6 速度层多样本。

Rubber Piano 实际上是一款通过阀门组合录制的多采样手掌静音 Fender Stratocaster。 它不太可能的循环和放大器噪音的暗示增加了有用的勇气和坚韧的质感。

Pink Ghost 是塑料钢琴层的环形、拉伸和处理版本。 与其他幽灵层一样,它不是颤音,而是一个共振峰滤波器,可以通过 BPM 调制来实现完整的 Banshee 效果。

Hohner Pianet T 电钢琴的反转、编辑和循环多重采样。



该库需要 Kontakt 6.0.2+


A wonderful sounding, one of a kind textural piano made by spurting bursts of controlled noise through unsuspecting piano samples

9 deeply multi sampled piano articulations

1.1GB of 24bit multi samples with up to 23 velocity levels per note.

100 gorgeous snapshots

Mod wheel controlled reverse engine

Plastic Ghost Piano#2 is a warm, richly sampled, hybrid piano made by using convolution technology in an unlikely way.

There really is nothing else like her. Sounds range from warm, woody and expressive wonky piano to blissed out orchestral haze. Mod wheel expression opens up weird and gorgeous looping, glitching and reverse piano effects with real-time control.

Effortlessly morph ‘proper’ piano sounds into ecstatic otherworldliness – and then back again… and back again etc etc.

‘Each instrument that emerges from the Sound Dust curiosity shop adds extra layers of invention, and this revisit to the Plastic Ghost Piano is no exception. It’s Pendle at his playful best, loading every button and wheel with the means to twist and turn piano sounds into something new. Chaos always hides round the corner, but the success is in somehow keeping things organic and beautiful, haunted and lovely.” Mat Davidson – my favourite multi Emmy winning composer

White Ghost is made from recordings of a broken upright piano convolved in the same way as the Plastic piano. There are 23 layers of velocity, but using the Time Machine engine in Kontakt these layers are stretched over the entire keyboard range (co to c7) which adds strange and unexpected artifacts .

Yellow Ghost works similarly to the White Ghost, but with a different set of broken piano samples and 2 sets of 10 velocity layers.

​White Piano is a 4 velocity multi sample of a Hohner Pianet T electric piano. Recorded dry, but with re-amping possibilities built into the interface.

The Plastic Piano is a multi sampled piano patch made on a Technics WSA1 modelling keyboard. Each individual sampled note was then loaded into a convolution reverb plug in and blasted with varying levels of controlled white noise, and the output recorded and remapped as a 6 velocity layer multi sample.

Rubber Piano is really a multi sampled palm muted Fender Stratocaster recorded through a valve combo. Its unlikely looping and hints of amp noise add a useful pluck and gritty texture.

Pink Ghost is a looped, stretched and treated version of the plastic piano layer. Like the other ghost layers, instead of vibrato there is a formant filter which can be BPM modulated for full banshee effect.

Reversed, edited and looped multi sample of a Hohner Pianet T electric piano.

Reversed, edited and looped plastic piano.

Reversed, looped, stretched and treated version of the rubber piano layer.

The library requires Kontakt 6.0.2+

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