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Sample Logic Drum Fury Motion KONTAKT


使用 DRUM FURY MOTION 释放节奏的爆发力:这是一款融合了打击乐器和动画动作的工具型凹槽机。 通过表达和灵活的循环式排序,多重采样的原声、数字、人声和声音设计的打击乐变得栩栩如生。
DRUM FURY MOTION 是节奏的演变,以令人惊讶的方式模糊了传统打击乐和现代声音设计之间的界限。 令人惊叹的节奏元素调色板,通过多个麦克风位置和进动数字效果处理进行深度和动态采样,期待非凡的表现。 这种富有远见的方法与尖端的双核性能引擎相结合,为 Kontakt 提供了 6+ GB 的虚拟乐器。 释放您的创造力,抓住节奏的力量,并通过 DRUM FURY MOTION 成为终极节拍制作者。


– 1,813 种乐器和预设
– 6+ GB 样本内容(21,000+ 音频文件)
– 完全由多采样声学、数字、世界、人声和声音设计打击乐构成
– 带 Step & FX Animators 的双核音频引擎
– 基于动态标签的预设浏览器
– 随机化预设、声音和参数,以获得即时和无限的灵感
– 热插拔效果链技术


数百个精心设计的预设为您开始自定义播放奠定了基础。 剥离它们或构建它们,无论您喜欢什么。 每个预设都有可能注入一系列令人惊叹的表演动画。 控制所有这些选项既简单又直观。 使用基于标签的浏览系统探索打击乐声音的世界; 从传统的鼓组到多层电影声音设计。 每个源、核心和多核预设都标有有用的流派、主题和乐器,并且可以收藏以供将来调用。 该浏览器是您选择预设和播放操作的一站式解决方案。 访问源、核心和多核乐器预设,并在浏览和表演时激活步进动画器。 加载单独的核心预设来混合您自己的双核乐器,或者将其留给我们的专家设计师以预先构建的起点进行。 保持简单,或构建极其复杂的节奏……这是一个专为数小时玩耍而设计的打击乐丛林健身房。

导航 DRUM FURY MOTION 界面是一种简单的体验,具有逻辑预设结构; 简单、优雅,对于快速工作流程至关重要。 那些想要深入定制的人可以轻松尝试无限的选项来设计即时复杂的动作和渐进的表演。 进行一些调整会大有帮助,因此请使用 Step Animator 快速将内容混合起来; 一系列音序器,无限制地添加节奏流、滚动和口吃。

需要瞬间令人兴奋的鼓声吗? DRUM FURY MOTION 配有 Sample Logic 的百科全书式随机发生器。 这个巧妙的窗口会自动生成声音和序列的组合,这些组合令人信服、令人惊讶,而且最重要的是有趣。 从各种参数中进行选择,以组合各种用户定义的选项,然后让引擎引领潮流。 十多个随机化过滤器每次都会提供数万亿种组合,以获得意想不到但令人愉快的结果。 随机化引擎是构建 DRUM FURY MOTION 预设的完美方式,通过仅选择和过滤您想要的选项,引导



• Kontakt 的完整付费版本,版本6.7.1 或更高版本。 不适用于免费的 Kontakt Player!
• Mac OS X 10.14 或更高版本、i5、4 GB RAM(建议 8 GB)
• Windows 10 或更高版本、i5 或同等 CPU、4 GB RAM(建议 8 GB)
• 6.5 GB 可用磁盘空间用于存储 DRUM FURY MOTION 示例内容

兼容性(仅限 Mac 64 位;Windows 32/64 位)

• 独立(Kontakt 应用程序)
• 音频单元 (AU)
• 亚克斯


Unleash the explosive power of rhythm with DRUM FURY MOTION: a tooled-up groove machine that fuses percussive instruments and animated motion. Multi-sampled acoustic, digital, vocal and sound designed percussion brought to life through expression and flexible loop-like sequencing.
DRUM FURY MOTION is the evolution of rhythm, blurring the line between traditional percussion and modern sound design in surprising ways. Expect the extraordinary, with a stunning palette of rhythmic elements, deep and dynamically sampled with multiple mic positions and precession digital effects processing. This visionary approach, combined with a cutting edge dual-core performance engine, delivers a 6+ GB virtual instrument for Kontakt. Unleash your creativity, seize the power of rhythm, and become the ultimate beat-maker with DRUM FURY MOTION.

– 1,813 Instruments & Presets
– 6+ GB Sample Content (21,000+ audio files)
– Constructed entirely from multi-sampled acoustic, digital, world, vocal and sound design percussion
– Dual-core audio engine with Step & FX Animators
– Dynamic tag-based preset browser
– Randomize presets, sounds and parameters for instant and infinite inspiration
– Hot-swappable effects chain technology

The User Interface

Hundreds of expertly-designed presets put in the groundwork for you to start to customize the playback. Strip them down or build them up, whatever you prefer. Every preset has the potential to be infused with a staggering array of performance animations. Controlling all of these options is simple and instinctive. Use the tag-based browsing system to explore a world of percussion sounds; from conventional drum kits to multi-layered cinematic sound design. Each source, core, and multi-core preset is tagged with useful genres, themes and instruments, and can be favorited for future recall. The browser is your one-stop solution for choosing presets and playback manipulations. Access sources, cores and multi-core instrument presets and activate step animators whilst browsing and performing. Load individual core presets to blend your own dual-core instruments, or leave it to our expert designers with a pre-built starting points. Keep it simple, or construct wildly complex rhythms… this is a percussion jungle gym designed for hours of play.

Navigating the DRUM FURY MOTION interface is a straightforward experience, with logical preset construction; simple, elegant and critical to a fast workflow. Those who want to dig into customization can easily experiment with the limitless options to design instant intricate motion and progressive performances. A few tweaks go a long way, so use the Step Animator to quickly mix things up; a series of sequencers without limits for adding rhythmic flow, rolls and stutters.

Need exhilarating drums in a flash? DRUM FURY MOTION comes complete with Sample Logic’s encyclopedic randomizer. This clever window automatically generates combinations of sounds and sequences that are compelling, surprising, and most of all fun. Choose from a diverse range of parameters to combine a variety of user defined options and then let the engine lead the way. Over a dozen randomization filters deliver trillions of combinations for unexpected but delightful results… every time. The randomization engine is the perfect way to build on the presets of DRUM FURY MOTION, by selecting and filtering only the options that you want to, leading

Technical Specifications


• Full paid version of Kontakt, version 6.7.1 or higher. Will NOT work in the free Kontakt Player!
• Mac OS X 10.14, or higher, i5, 4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
• Windows 10, or higher, i5 or equivalent CPU, 4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
• 6.5 GB free disk space for DRUM FURY MOTION sample content

COMPATIBILITY (Mac 64-bit only; Windows 32/64-bit)

• Stand-alone (Kontakt App)
• Audio Units (AU)

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