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Production Music Live Organica Vol. 4 Full Production Suite WAV MiDi Diva Presets Ableton Project Files-ARCADiA

Team ARCADiA | WAV MiDi Diva Presets Ableton Project Files | 1.02 GB

新版4! 开始您的下一个有机屋生产! 使用超过 640 个样本(包括 250 多个 One Shots 和 Organic Sounds 以及 390 多个手工制作的循环)让您的曲目听起来更加生动和自然。 您还可以获得 60 个专业制作的 Diva 预设。 Organica 模板版包括三个由 Yannek Maunz 完全制作的 Ableton 项目文件。

专业制作的样本、Midi 和 Diva 预设!
模板版本包括完全制作的 Ableton 项目文件。

用充满活力和动感的节奏和出色的打击乐循环来吸引观众。 精心录制的乐器呈现出深度和丰富性——让人感觉充满活力。 获取 Cajon、Campana、Conga、Darbuka、Djembe 和 Güiro 的最佳音色选择,将您的节奏提升到新的高度。

使用充满氛围歌曲开头的文件夹来激发您的创造力。 Diva 预设经过专门设计,旨在为您的混音引入深刻、丰富且明显的有机特征。

灵感来自 Kiasmos、Bonobo、Tim Green、Stimming、Sebastien Leger、Volen Sentir 和 Makebo 等艺术家。

与您的受众产生共鸣并在数字环境中脱颖而出。 节省时间的工作室必备品,可保证始终如一的专业效果。


基础版:无需软件。 与任何 DAW 一起使用。
模板版本:Ableton Live 11.1.6 Suite 和 u-he Diva v1.4.5(或更高版本)


250+ 一击
390+ 循环
奖励:60 多个丰富且鼓舞人心的 Diva 预设,包括匹配的 Midi 文件
可选模板版本:包括 3 个完全制作、混合和母带处理的 Ableton 11.1.6 项目文件 – 完美的歌曲入门套件!

640+ 专业一击球和循环球
这些样本是专门为 Organica Vol 4 录制的。所有声音都是 100% 免版税的,可在您的个人和专业项目中使用。

250+ 一击
390+ 循环

60 个 Diva 预设和 MIDI 文件


New Edition 4! Kick off your next Organic House production! Make your tracks sound more alive and natural with over 640+ Samples including 250+ One Shots and Organic Sounds and 390+ handcrafted loops. You also get 60 professionally made Diva Presets. Organica Template Edition includes three fully produced Ableton Project Files by Yannek Maunz.

Breath Life Into Your Tracks
Professionally Produced Samples, Midi and Diva Presets!
Template Edition Includes Fully Produced Ableton Project File.

Captivate your audience with vibrant and dynamic grooves and exceptional percussion loops. The meticulously recorded instruments deliver depth and richness – that feels alive. Access the finest sound selection of Cajon, Campana, Conga, Darbuka, Djembe and Güiro and elevate your rhythms to new heights.

Fuel your creativity with a folder full of vibey song-starters. The Diva presets are specifically designed to introduce a profound, lush, and unmistakably organic character to your mix.

Inspired by artists like Kiasmos, Bonobo, Tim Green, Stimming, Sebastien Leger, Volen Sentir, and Makebo.

Resonate with your audience and stand out in a digital landscape. A time-saving studio essential that guarantees consistently professional results.

Software Requirements:

Basic Edition: No Software required. Use with any DAW.
Template Edition: Ableton Live 11.1.6 Suite and u-he Diva v1.4.5 (or higher)

What You Get:

250+ One-Shots
390+ Loops
Bonus: 60+ rich & inspiring Diva presets, including matching Midi Files
Optional Template Edition: Includes 3 fully produced, mixed & mastered Ableton 11.1.6 Project Files – the perfect song starter kit!

640+ Professional One-Shots & Loops
These samples were recorded exclusively for Organica Vol 4. All sounds are 100% Royalty-free to use in your personal and professional projects.

250+ One-Shots
390+ Loops

60 Diva Presets & MIDI Files

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