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Producer Loops Otherworld MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 27 February 2024 | 1.70 GB

聆听 Producer Loops 的“Otherworld”,步入 Melodic Techno 的空灵境界。 探索五种精心制作的构建套件,超越传统音景的界限。 该合集是一次声音之旅,将脉动的电子节奏与迷人的旋律元素融为一体,为制作人和音乐爱好者创造了超凡脱俗的体验。

每个套件都是一个自己的宇宙,具有催眠般的低音线、复杂的打击乐和氛围合成器,它们无缝地融合在一起,形成有凝聚力和身临其境的声音。 “Otherworld”由专业设计的循环和单镜头组成,为制作人提供了构建自己的天体作品的基本构建块。

为了确保最大的灵活性,我们提供多种格式的该包,包括 WAV、Ableton Live、Apple Loops、MIDI、REX2 和 Reason ReFill,以便在您的 DAW 中无缝集成。

包含的 MIDI 文件:
与许多其他 Producer Loops 产品一样,该包包含每个套件中听到的大多数音乐短语的 MIDI 文件,使您可以将您最喜欢的合成器和采样器与包中包含的声音无缝混合。

在里面你会发现一次性鼓样本,允许你创建新的节拍、填充和循环来补充现有的材料。 只需将它们加载到您选择的采样器中,即可创建无限数量的新节拍和乐句。

对于想要简单拖放的用户来说,“湿”文件包含音频演示中听到的所有效果处理。 但对于想要创建自己的效果组合的制作人来说,可能的话还包括“干”循环。 不喜欢湿循环? 没问题; 添加您自己的效果。

该产品中的所有循环都是 100% 免版税的,因此一旦购买,您就可以在商业版本中使用这些循环,而无需支付任何隐藏费用。


• 5 个搭建套件
• ACIDized WAV 文件
• Ableton Live 8.1.3+
• MIDI 循环
• REX 循环
• 原因补充
• 循环与 BPM 同步
• 44.1kHz/24 位
• 兼容 PC/Mac
• 免版税(无例外)


Step into the ethereal realm of Melodic Techno with ‘Otherworld’ from Producer Loops. Explore five carefully crafted construction kits that transcend the boundaries of conventional soundscapes. This collection is a sonic journey that fuses pulsating techno rhythms with enchanting melodic elements, creating an otherworldly experience for producers and music enthusiasts alike.

Each kit is a universe of its own, featuring hypnotic basslines, intricate percussion, and atmospheric synths that seamlessly blend to form a cohesive and immersive sound. ‘Otherworld’ consists of professionally designed loops and one-shots, providing producers with the essential building blocks to construct their own celestial compositions.

To ensure maximum flexibility, we are offering this pack in multiple formats including WAV, Ableton Live, Apple Loops, MIDI, REX2 and Reason ReFill, allowing for seamless integration inside your DAW.

MIDI Files Included:
This pack, like so many other Producer Loops products, includes MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases heard in each Kit, allowing you to seamlessly mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack.

One-Shot Samples:
Inside you’ll find one-shot drum samples, allowing you to create new beats, fills and loops to compliment the existing material. Simply load them up into your sampler of choice and create an infinite number of new beats and phrases.

Dry/Wet Loops:
For users looking to simply drag and drop, the ‘wet’ files contain all of the effects processing heard in the audio demos. But for producers looking to create their own effects mix, ‘dry’ loops are also included where possible. Don’t like the wet loops? No problem; add your own effects.

All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free, so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.

Product Details:

• 5 Construction Kits
• ACIDized WAV Files
• Ableton Live 8.1.3+
• MIDI Loops
• REX Loops
• Reason ReFills
• Loops Synced To BPM
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit
• PC/Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)

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