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PreSonus Studio One Pro 7 v7.0.0 MacOS

juan | 26 October 2024 | 317 MB

Studio One Pro是您的一体化生产强国,您需要录制,制作,混合,掌握和执行的一切。版本7现在已经发布,增加了30个额外的特性和改进。

Studio One Pro 7 – Splice集成和更多

Studio One Pro 7有30多个新功能。我们为您总结了其中最重要的几点

Studio One Pro 7允许您直接在DAW中访问Splice的广泛样本库。使用Search-with-Sound-function享受数千个免费的,精心挑选的Splice样本,这些样本与您的项目的节拍,关键和节奏完美同步。


深飞行一个现在可以作为一个独立的虚拟仪器在Studio One Pro 7,提供三层,综合效果和全新的预设。

有了Global transsponse,您只需点击一下,就可以实时更改整首歌曲的关键。音频和笔记事件自动调换。

全新的和完全集成的启动器提供了一个全新的方式来录制,安排和制作音乐在Studio One Pro 7。作为安排的一部分,并与时间轴并排,启动器提供了一套全新的工作流程,允许用户在这两个环境之间自由移动。

macOS 12.4或更新版本


Studio One Pro is your all-in-one production powerhouse with everything you need to record, produce, mix, master and perform. Version 7 is available now and comes with 30 additional features and improvements.

Studio One Pro 7 – Splice integration and more

Studio One Pro 7 comes with over 30 new features. We have summarized the most important ones for you

Studio One Pro 7 allows you to access Splice’s extensive sample library directly in your DAW. Use the Search-with-Sound-function to enjoy thousands of free, hand-picked Splice samples that are perfectly synced to the beat, key and tempo of your project.

AI-Powered Stem Separation, one of the most requested features, is available in Version 7. It allows you to un-mix audio into four separate tracks, isolating stems from existing audio tracks. The separated audio events can be bounced again into a single file, allowing for quick instrumental creation.

Deep Flight One is now available as a standalone virtual instrument in Studio One Pro 7, offering three layers, integrated effects and brand new presets.

With Global Transponse, you can change the key of an entire song in real time with just one click. Audio and notes events are automatically transposed.

The brand new and fully-integrated Launcher offers a completely new way to record, arrange and produce music in Studio One Pro 7. As part of the Arrangement and side-by-side with the Timeline, the Launcher offers a completely new set of workflows that allow users to move freely between these two environments.

System Requirements
macOS 12.4 or newer

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