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Plugin Alliance AMEK Bundle 2024.05.14 macOS

File size: 457.79 MB

AMEK 是一个深深植根于 70 年代、80 年代及以后的经典工作室装备时代的品牌。 从一些有史以来最令人垂涎的均衡器的突破性模拟到具有无与伦比控制力的经典录音室压缩器。 AMEK 复活了录音室硬件的传奇声音,并通过扩展的插件专有功能将其带到您的 DAW 中。

→ AMEK EQ 200

• 透明、精确且细致的模拟声音
• 五个宽重叠参数均衡器频段
• 高/低通滤波器和架子
• 每个频段 7/15 dB 可切换增强或减弱
• 公差建模技术(TMT)
• 可调节总谐波失真 (THD)
• 中/侧处理
• 将低端总结为单声道
• 进行调整时自动独奏乐队
• 可扩展的用户界面
• 工厂预设

→ AMEK EQ 250
Sontec 原始参数均衡器的数字再现

• Sontec MEP-250ex 的仿真,灵感源自 Dirk Ulrich 的私人经典设备
• 模拟参数均衡器的“圣杯”,提供 5 个宽重叠频段,提供 12 dB 增强或减弱
• 可切换的低和高架式均衡器
• 每个通道上的连续可变 HP/LP 滤波器具有音乐 12dB/倍频程斜率
• Brainworx 内部的 TMT:公差建模技术(美国专利号 10,725,727)模拟电子元件中通道间的差异,以在计算机中获得最真实的模拟声音
• M/S 处理可调整混音的侧面和中心
• 立体声宽度控制可扩大或缩小轨道的立体声宽度
• “Mono-Maker”将低频内容汇总为单声道,以获得集中、有力的低音响应
• 可扩展的用户界面

→ AMEK 母带压缩器

• Dirk Ulrich 私有压缩机组的模拟模型
• 提供不同的压缩方式,具有无与伦比的透明度
• 两个 True RMS 检波器和一个峰值检波器混合在一起,对真实信号能量做出智能响应
• 内置 Brainworx 的 TMT:公差建模技术(TMT,美国专利号 10,725,727)模拟电子元件中通道间的差异,以获得最真实的模拟声音
• VCA 剪辑控制
• 氛围 – 让您轻松准确地听到压缩机的工作情况
• 增益分级的余量控制
• 检测器活动监视器 – 显示三个液位检测器之间的关系,以可视化计时行为和阈值设置
• 自动聆听 – 在频域中准确定位滤波器并清楚地听到动态效果
• Mono-Maker – 将低频内容汇总为单声道,为您提供集中、有力的低音响应
• 立体声宽度 – 扩展轨道的立体声宽度
• 单独的单声道版本 – 用于在低音鼓、军鼓、贝斯、人声等各个轨道上使用插件。
• 可扩展的用户界面
• Craig Bauer 提供的艺术家预设

→ Brainworx bx_console AMEK 200
用于混音和母带制作的透明、精确且详细的 TMT 通道条插件

• bx_console AMEK 9099 的门和扩展器
• AMEK 母带压缩器的声音
• 基于 AMEK EQ 200 的五频段全参数均衡器
• 四个可选的搁架过滤器
• 带 VCA 限幅器的限制器模块
• 高通和低通滤波器模块
• 多个滤波器和均衡器模块路由选项
• 72个TMT通道(TMT—Brainworx的专利注册“公差建模技术”(美国专利号10,725,727)
• Mono Maker 旋钮可将低端与单声道相加
• 立体声宽度旋钮可缩小和加宽立体声图像
• 输入、输出和增益衰减表
• 输入增益、相位反转、静音、声像和输出增益控制

→ Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099
模拟控制台的巅峰之作,现在最强大的 bx_console 插件

• Brainworx 最广泛的 TMT 控制台仿真基于传奇的 AMEK 9098i 主控制台
• 功能齐全的通道条,包括压缩器、限制器、限幅器、4 频段均衡器、宽范围高通和低通滤波器以及新设计的扩展器/门限
• 参数均衡器频段上的“Notch”功能可消除问题区域,而不会影响相邻频段。
• Mono Maker 通过使声像居中来控制低频稳定性
• 用于扩大或缩小声像的立体声宽度
• 受传奇模拟设备启发专门设计的噪声门
• Gate Key Listen 用于监听门侧链输入处的信号
• 平滑和自动聆听独奏您正在调整的频段,以便您可以仔细聆听每一个变化
• TMT—Brainworx 已注册专利的“公差建模技术”(美国专利号 10,725,727)
• 艺术家预设 — 包含专业预设,为您提供寻找声音的良好起点

→ 包括:
•AMEK EQ 200 v1.4.1
•AMEK EQ 250 v1.1.1
• AMEK 母带压缩器 v1.1.1
• Brainworx bx_console AMEK 200 v1.0.0
• Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 v1.3.1

•macOS 10.14 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或Intel Core 处理器


AMEK is a brand with its roots firmly rooted in the era of classic studio gear from the 70s, 80s, and onwards. From groundbreaking emulations of some of the most coveted EQs ever designed to classic studio compressors with unparalleled control. AMEK resurrects the legendary sound of studio hardware and brings it to your DAW with expanded, plugin-exclusive features.

→ AMEK EQ 200
The classic benchmark for clean and transparent mastering-grade equalization

• Transparent, precise, and detailed analog sound
• Five wide overlapping parametric EQ bands
• High/low-pass filters and shelves
• 7/15 dB switchable boost or cut for each band
• Tolerance Modeling Technology (TMT)
• Adjustable Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
• Mid/side processing
• Sum your low-end into mono
• Automatically solo bands when making adjustments
• Scalable user interface
• Factory presets

→ AMEK EQ 250
A digital recreation of the original parametric EQ from Sontec

• Emulation of the Sontec MEP-250ex inspired by Dirk Ulrich’s privately owned classic unit
• A “Holy Grail” of analog parametric EQs that provides 5 wide-overlapping bands offering 12 dB boost or cut
• Switchable low and high shelving EQs
• Continuously variable HP/LP filters on each channel with musical 12dB/octave slope
• Brainworx´s TMT inside: Tolerance Modeling Technology (US Patent No. 10,725,727) simulates channel-to-channel variances in electronic components for the most realistic analog sound in the computer
• M/S Processing to tweak the sides and center of your mixes
• Stereo Width control to expand or reduce the stereo width of your tracks
• “Mono-Maker” sums your low frequency content to mono for focused, punchy bass response
• Scalable User Interface

→ AMEK Mastering Compressor
A digital recreation of a modern mastering classic

• An analog model of Dirk Ulrich’s privately owned compressor unit
• Offers a different way to approach compression, with unrivaled transparency
• Two True RMS detectors and one Peak detector blend together to respond intelligently to real signal energy
• Brainworx´ TMT inside: Tolerance Modeling Technology (TMT, US Patent No. 10,725,727) simulates channel-to-channel variances in electronic components for the most realistic analog sound in the box
• VCA Clip control
• Ambience – lets you easily hear exactly what your compressor is doing
• Headroom control for gain-staging
• Detector Activity Monitor – Displays the relation between the three level detectors to visualize timing behavior and Threshold setting
• Auto Listen – To accurately position the filter in the frequency domain and to clearly hear the effect of the dynamics
• Mono-Maker – Sums your low-frequency content to mono, giving you focused, punchy bass response
• Stereo Width – To expand the stereo width of your tracks
• A separate Mono Version – for using the plugin on individual tracks such Bass Drum, Snare, Bass, Vocals etc.
• Scalable User Interface
• Artist Presets provided by Craig Bauer

→ Brainworx bx_console AMEK 200
A transparent, precise, and detailed TMT channel strip plugin for mixing and mastering

• Gate and expander from the bx_console AMEK 9099
• Sound of the AMEK Mastering Compressor
• Five-band fully-parametric EQ based on the AMEK EQ 200
• Four optional shelving filters
• Limiter module with VCA clipper
• High-pass and low-pass Filter module
• Multiple Filter and EQ module routing options
• 72 TMT channels (TMT—Brainworx‘s patent-registered “Tolerance Modeling Technology” (US Patent No. 10,725,727)
• Mono Maker knob to sum low-end to mono
• Stereo Width knob to narrow and widen your stereo image
• Input, output, and gain reduction meters
• Input gain, phase inversion, mute, pan, and output gain controls

→ Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099
The pinnacle of analog consoles, now the most powerful bx_console plugin

• Brainworx´ most extensive TMT Console Emulation based on the legendary AMEK 9098i Master Console
• Feature-packed channel strip including a Compressor, Limiter, Clipper, 4-Band EQ, wide-ranging High Pass and Low Pass filters, and a newly designed Expander/Gate
• “Sheen” and “Glow” modes alter the behavior of the shelving filters for smoother boosts and cuts
• “Notch” function on the parametric EQ bands eliminates problem areas without affecting neighboring bands.
• Mono Maker offers control over low frequency stability by centering the sound image
• Stereo Width for expanding or narrowing the sound image
• Specially designed Noise Gate inspired by the legendary analog gear
• Gate Key Listen for hearing the signal at the gate side chain input
• Smooth & Auto Listen solos the frequency band you’re adjusting so you can hear every change in close detail
• TMT—Brainworx‘s patent-registered “Tolerance Modeling Technology” (US Patent No. 10,725,727)
• Artist Presets—Packed with professional presets to give you a great starting place for finding your sound

→ Included:
• AMEK EQ 200 v1.4.1
• AMEK EQ 250 v1.1.1
• AMEK Mastering Compressor v1.1.1
• Brainworx bx_console AMEK 200 v1.0.0
• Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 v1.3.1

Supported Operation System
• macOS 10.14 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


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