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Montage by Splice Kaleidoscope: Cinematic Choir WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 31 May 2024 | 436.39 MB

万花筒:电影唱诗班是一个疯狂的彩色集合唱诗班的声音,旨在把你的生产进入神圣的境界。人声,尤其是合唱团的人声,是Splice上最受追捧的声音,因为它们是不可能重新创造的。蒙太奇与Suander Choi合作,Suander Choi是一位才华横溢的作曲家和合唱团艺术家,他将声乐短语,和弦垫,模式,集群,滑音,fx等等的华丽集合放在一起。

这些声乐技巧是在Splice的声音工厂工作室在洛杉矶的一些洛杉矶最好的女高音,中音,高音和低音歌手Kelci Hahn, Molly Pease和Theo Trevisan的帮助下精心记录的。这些循环和一个镜头是独特的,有品位的,很难来,所以对待这个包就像你的秘密武器,郁郁葱葱的声音时刻在你的前景或背景的轨道。下载这些样品为您的下一个电影配乐,福音的轨道,电子生产或作为一个空白画布重新采样到任何你想要的。给你的下一个轨道一些天堂般的光泽和游戏性,将它与其他的分开。

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Saunder Choi是一位来自洛杉矶的菲律宾作曲家和合唱艺术家,他的作品曾被各种团体在国际上演出,包括阴谋、菲律宾牧歌歌手、圣达菲沙漠合唱团、洛杉矶大师合唱团、太平洋合唱团、世界青年合唱团、Brightwork新音乐、People Inside Electronics等。作为编曲和编曲家,桑德曾为托尼奖得主Lea Salonga,新加坡交响乐团,旧金山交响乐团,Orquestra Filarmónica葡萄牙乐团,洛杉矶男同性恋合唱团,旧金山男同性恋合唱团等作曲。





Kaleidoscope: Cinematic Choir is a wildly colorful collection of choir vocals designed to take your production into the realm of the divine. Vocals, especially choir vocals, are the most sought after sounds on Splice because they are impossible to recreate. Montage teamed up with Suander Choi, a brilliantly talented composer and choir artist who put together a gorgeous collection of vocal phrases, chordal pads, patterns, clusters, glissandos, fx and so much more.

These vocal techniques were meticulously recorded with painstaking detail at Splice’s Sound Factory Studio’s in LA with the help of some of LA’s finest Soprano, Alto, Treble and Bass vocalists Kelci Hahn, Molly Pease, and Theo Trevisan. These loops and one shots are unique, tasteful, and difficult to come by so treat this pack like your secret weapon for lush vocal moments in the foreground or background of your track. Download these samples for your next film score, gospel track, electronic production or as a blank canvas to resample into anything you’d like. Give your next track some heavenly gloss and playfulness that will set it apart from the rest.

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Saunder Choi is a Los Angeles-based Filipino composer and choral artist whose works have been performed internationally by various groups including Conspirare, the Philippine Madrigal Singers, Santa Fe Desert Chorale, Los Angeles Master Chorale, Pacific Chorale, World Youth Choir, Brightwork New Music, People Inside Electronics, and many others. As an arranger and orchestrator, Saunder has written for Tony-Award winner Lea Salonga, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony, Orquestra Filarmónica Portuguesa, Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, etc.

As a choral artist, he sings with Pacific Chorale, L.A. Choral Lab, HEX Vocal Ensemble, as well as in film scores such as the soundtrack of Disney’s The Lion King (2019), Mulan (2020), Turning Red (2022), Nope (2022), Avatar: The Way of the Water (2022), etc.

Saunder believes in music as advocacy, using the media as a platform for diversity, equity, inclusion, justice. His compositions are focused on narratives and conversations surrounding immigration, racial justice, LGBTQ+ advocacy, climate justice, and representations of his identity as a Filipino-Chinese. He is currently Director of Music at Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica and a teaching artist with the Los Angeles Master Chorale.

205 Samples


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