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IK Multimedia ARC System 4.0.0 U2B macOS

File size: 56.2 MB

ARC 4 结合了超精确的测量麦克风、分析软件和校正插件,可提高任何房间监控的准确性。 更快、更自由地工作,确信您听到的是音乐本身,并且您的音乐在任何地方听起来都很棒。 凭借更快、更简单的校准过程、令人惊叹的全新更自然算法以及在 ARC Studio 硬件上管理配置文件的能力,ARC 4 的一切旨在让您专注于音乐并创建可轻松转换到任何系统的音频。


房间对您聆听音乐的方式有很大影响。 墙壁、家具和其他物体会反射和吸收声音,从而产生复杂的伪影,从而改变频率平衡和立体声成像,并可能导致您精心平衡的混音在其他空间中崩溃。
借助 ARC,您可以检测并解决这些问题,而无需昂贵的房间处理。 ARC 立即精确测量您房间的声音,然后生成校正配置文件,您可以将其加载到 DAW 的 ARC 插件或新的 ARC Studio 硬件中,该硬件独立于您的计算机运行,以确保您听到的声音是真实的 您的音乐听起来如何。

ARC 4 使用全新且更自然的分析和校正算法,可提供其他数字房间校正系统中找不到的结果。 通过在聆听位置周围的 3D 空间中测量您的房间,IK 屡获殊荣的 VRM™(体积响应建模)技术可以创建您房间的 3D 快照,从而识别有问题的问题,而无需过度处理声音。

您可以选择进行 21 点超精确测量过程或 7 点快速测量过程。 两者听起来都很棒。 较长的测量更适合固定安装和永久设置,而较短的测量则适合移动或临时设置,从而可以在不到一分钟的时间内测量房间。

结果是听起来令人难以置信的自然校正,就像您从未听过的一样。 ARC 4 重现了在经过适当调整的房间中工作的感觉,而听起来却没有“纠正”的感觉。

只需将测量麦克风连接到您的界面并启动分步房间分析软件即可。 系统将指导您在整个聆听位置进行一系列测量,并且借助 ARC 灵活的放置选项,您可以创建多个监听器和聆听位置的测量,这样您就可以虚拟地调整客户或不同设置的最佳位置。

扩展的虚拟监听添加了 20 多个标志性工作室监听配置文件
“快速模式”仅用 7 个测量点进行房间处理
能够管理和切换 ARC Studio 硬件上的配置文件


ARC 4 combines an ultra-accurate measurement microphone, analysis software and correction plug-in to improve the accuracy of your monitoring in any room. Work faster and more freely, confident you’re hearing your music itself and that your music will sound great everywhere. With a faster, easier calibration process, breathtaking new more natural algorithm, and the ability to manage profiles on ARC Studio hardware, everything about ARC 4 is designed to let you focus on your music and create audio that translates to any system effortlessly.

Key Features
Measurement mic, room analysis software and correction plug-in
Improves frequency balance and stereo imaging in any room
Work faster and create better mixes without expensive room treatment
Virtual monitoring emulates the sound of common listening devices

Trust what you hear
A room can have a big impact on how you hear your music. Walls, furniture, and other objects reflect and absorb sound, creating complex artifacts that change the frequency balance and stereo imaging, and can cause your carefully balanced mix to fall apart in other spaces.
With ARC, you can detect and account for these issues without expensive room treatment. ARC precisely measures the sound of your room in moments, then generates a correction profile you can load into the ARC plug-in for your DAW or the new ARC Studio hardware, which operates independently from your computer, to ensure what you’re hearing is how your music really sounds.

An all-new listening experience
ARC 4 uses a brand-new and more natural analysis and correction algorithm that delivers results you can’t find in other digital room correction systems. By measuring your room across a 3D space around the listening position, IK’s award-winning VRM™ (Volumetric Response Modeling) technology creates a 3D snapshot of your room, identifying problematic issues without over-processing the sound.

You have the choice of going through a 21-point ultra-accurate measurement process or a 7-point quicker one. Both will sound great. The longer measurement is more adequate for fixed installations and permanent setups, while the shorter measurement is ideal for on-the-go or ad-hoc setups, making it possible to measure the room in less than a minute.

The result is an incredibly natural-sounding correction like you’ve never heard. ARC 4 recreates the feeling of working in a properly-tuned room, without sounding “corrected.”

Measure quickly and precisely
Just connect a measurement mic to your interface and launch the step-by-step room analysis software. You’ll be guided through a series of measurements across your listening position, and with ARC’s flexible placement options you can create measurements of multiple monitors and listening positions, so you can virtually adjust the sweet spot for clients or different setups.

Whats New
All-new more natural correction algorithm for incredible results
Expanded virtual monitoring adds 20+ iconic studio monitors profiles
“Quick Mode” for room processing with just 7 measurement points
Updated graphics and user interface with dark and light mode options
Ability to manage and switch profiles on ARC Studio hardware



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