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GhostHack London 2088 Cybersynth Soundscapes WAV MIDI

P2P | 4 March 2024 | 6.11 GB

当您将赛博朋克电影和音乐中常用的声音与伦敦各地的现场录音混合以制作您自己的原创音乐时,会发生什么? 你马上就会知道了! London 2088 – Cybersynth Soundscapes 合集拥有令人难以置信的 6.01GB 高品质专业样本、循环和 MIDI 文件。 来自繁华的大伦敦都市区 6 个不同地点的录音与 5 个独特的构建套件一起呈现,其中包含湿干和干干以及 MIDI 文件。 另外,您还可以获得一些精彩且非常迷人的 SFX!

在数字纹理、模拟合成器和丰富的现场录音的混合中,扭曲记忆和失去希望的有毒尘埃笼罩在空气中。 不可否认,像《银翼杀手》这样的反乌托邦未来的感觉在你的血管中粗暴地流淌。 失谐的合成器带来一种犹豫不定的感觉,移动的颗粒垫和空气悬挂在空气中,现场录音提供了一个充满活动和不确定性的特定环境。 天使般的歌声……以及威胁性的独裁对话样本……他们令人难以忘怀的存在感让你难以忘怀,而饱和度却从一切事物中滴落。

借助 London 2088 – Cybersynth Soundscapes 系列,您将制作出身临其境、催眠且令人陶醉的曲目,堪比好莱坞电影配乐。 探索一个不那么遥远的未来,充满熟悉但令人不安的不同细节。 另一个现实充满了不和谐和无休止的斗争。 为这些正在播放的想象场景创建一个下划线,将你的听众传送到另一个时空,在那里物质享受被抛在身后,不舒服的感觉被带到表面。 然而,当音调、音色和纹理混合在一起并反映我们的恐惧时,它们的冲突有一种内在的美。

带您的粉丝踏上电影之旅并迷失方向。 做这一切时都要知道,这个庞大的集合中的每一个声音都是 100% 免版税的,并且可以在您的项目中使用。 并且一定要检查更多非凡的声音包,这些声音包模糊了音乐和电影音景之间的界限,例如令人兴奋的黑暗氛围捆绑包和引人注目的黑暗能量 – 电影纹理包。


Release Echoes of the Megacity
What happens when you take sounds commonly used in Cyberpunk movies and music, and blend them with field recordings from all around London to make your own original music with? You’re about to find out! The London 2088 – Cybersynth Soundscapes collection features an incredible 6.01GB of high-quality professional samples, loops and MIDI files. Recordings from 6 distinct locations in the bustling greater London metropolitan area are presented alongside 5 unique construction kits containing both wet and dry stems, and MIDI files. Plus you get some fantastic, and really fascinating SFX as well!

In the melange of digital textures, analog synths, and lush field recordings, a toxic dust of distorted memories and lost hope clouds the air. Undeniable feelings of a dystopian future the likes of Blade Runner coarse through your veins. Detuned synths deliver a sense of hesitant instability, shifting granular pads and atmospheres hang in the air, field recording provide a specific environment full of activity and uncertainty. And the angelic vocals… and menacing authoritarian dialogue samples… their haunting presence sticks to you while saturation drips off of everything.

With the London 2088 – Cybersynth Soundscapes collection you’ll produce immersive, hypnotic, and downright intoxicating tracks worthy of a Hollywood movie soundtrack. Explore a not-so-distant future full of familiar, yet unsettlingly different details. An alternate reality steeped in dissonance and unending struggles. Creating an underscore for these imagined scenes playing out teleports your listeners to another time and space, where creature comforts are left behind and uncomfortable feelings are brought to the surface. And yet, there is an inherent beauty in the clash of tones, timbres and textures as they co-mingle and reflect our fears.

Take your fans on a cinematic journey and get lost. Do it all knowing that every sound in this huge collection is 100% royalty-free and cleared for use in your projects. And be sure to check out more extraordinary sound packs that blur boundaries between music and cinematic soundscape, like the mind-blowing Dark Atmosphere Bundle and the ear-grabbing Dark Energy – Cinematic Textures pack.

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