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Fractal Sounds Molekules Granular Sources For Microfreak & Pigments WAV Microfreak Bank Files

WAV Microfreak Bank Files | 428.06 MB

★该包与 Molekules For Phase Plant 内容相同,但它被打包以便加载到 Arturia 的 Microfreak 中,并且还包含 200 个 wav 文件以便在 Pigments 4 中使用。

Molekules 是专门为颗粒合成引擎设计的音频源集合。

在 Fractal Sounds,我们致力于颗粒合成已有一段时间了。 由于我们始终致力于开发创新的声音,因此我们在颗粒合成方面进行大量工作是有意义的,因为它可以实现巨大的创意表达:Molekules For Phase Plant

尽管从理论上讲,每个声源都可以用于粒度合成,但某些声源必然会提供更好的结果。 我们在 Fractal Sounds 工作室研究这种现象已经有一段时间了,并提出了我们认为最适合此类合成的 200 个音频源。




适用于 Microfreak 和颜料的包装

★此包包含200个32位格式的WAV文件。 这些文件作为样本加载到 Pigment 的粒度引擎中。 它还附带了 160 个 Microfreak 文件。


★This pack has the same content as Molekules For Phase Plant, but it is packaged in order to be loaded inside Arturia’s Microfreak and it also contains 200 wav files in order to be used inside Pigments 4.

Molekules is a collection of audio sources specifically designed for granular synthesis engines.

At Fractal Sounds, we’ve been working on granular synthesis for a while. Since we always strive to develop innovative sounds, it makes sense that we work a lot on granular synthesis since it allows immense creative expression: Molekules For Phase Plant

Although, in theory, every sound source can be used in granular synthesis, some sources are bound to provide better results. We’ve been studying this phenomenon for a while in the Fractal Sounds studio and we came up with what we consider the best 200 audio sources for that type of synthesis.

Molekules is the ultimate distillation of that accumulated knowledge.

Created Specifically for Granular Synthesis

Contains High Quality Vocal Sources

Packaged For Both The Microfreak & Pigments

★This pack contains 200 WAV files in 32bits format. These files loads as samples into Pigment’s granular engine. It also comes with 160 files for the Microfreak.


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