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Fate Expansion Sound Kit Bundle WAV MiDi-TECHNiA

TECHNiA | 13 February 2024 | 3.4 GB

Fate Expansion Bundle 是一个旨在提升您标准的包。 通过才华横溢的音乐家录制的现场乐句,获得实际的音乐掌握; 以及各种音景和旋律制作工具,带您进行真正的音乐探索。

• (400+) Noir Nemesis – 包括重音、琶音、鼓、旋律 MIDI、踏板、样本和纹理
• (300+) Orchestral Odyssey – 现场演奏的乐器乐句,包括长笛、钢琴、小提琴、管弦乐作品、人声和起始旋律
• (100+) 奖励包 – 包括豪华一次性套件 + 循环套件,以及来自 Viom 的“秘密武器”PDF 文件

Pack #1 Noir Nemesis – 声音套件 (400+)

超过 400 种声音和旋律创作工具让您不再面临创意障碍; 提供了大量的重音、纹理、鼓、样本和旋律 MIDI,以确保您的整个创作过程从开始到结束都是新鲜的。

• 自动节奏拉伸乐句
• 没有循环声音
• 一切都调至C小调
• 标有调和 BPM

Pack #2 Odyssey – 乐器乐句套件(300+)

沉浸在由才华横溢的音乐家团队策划的独特音乐表达中。 接收超过 300 个现场录制的乐器乐句,保证为您的音乐之旅带来升级。

• 现场录制的 1-of-1 乐器乐句
• 组织良好的文件夹,易于使用
• 300 多个短语由熟练的音乐家团队录制

包 #3 奖励 – 豪华套件 + PDF

包含一个豪华的一次性套件,其中包含 100 多种声音,以及价值 1GB 的 100% 免版税样本和 2 个“秘密武器”PDF 文件,其中包含 FL Studio 提示和技巧以及广告牌认证的技术,可帮助您带来行业级的效果 生产并增加您的工作流程。
100+ 一次性套件

• 1GB 的样本/低音 MIDI
• 2 个包含行业提示和技巧的秘诀 PDF 文件
• 100% 免版税,带有密钥和 BPM 标签


The Fate Expansion Bundle is a pack brought to you with the intent to elevate your standards. Gain access to musical mastery in action, with live phrases recorded by talented musicians; along with a wide array of soundscapes and melody-making tools to bring you on a true musical exploration.

• (400+) Noir Nemesis – includes accents, arps, drums, melody MIDIs, pedals, samples, & textures
• (300+) Orchestral Odyssey – live played instrument phrases including flutes, pianos, violins, orchestral compositions, vocals, and starter melodies
• (100+) Bonus Packs – includes deluxe one shot kit + loop kit, along with “secret sauce” PDF files from Viom

Pack #1 Noir Nemesis – Sound Kit (400+)

Never face creative block again with over 400 sounds & melody-creating tools; a plethora of accents, textures, drums, samples and melody MIDIs are provided to make sure your entire creative process is fresh from start to finish.

• Auto-tempo stretched phrases
• No recycled sounds
• Everything tuned to C Minor
• Key & BPM labeled

Pack #2 Odyssey – Instrument Phrase Kit (300+)

Dive into a pool of unique musical expressions curated by a team of talented musicians. Receive over 300 live recorded instrument phrases, guaranteed to bring an upgrade to your musical journey.

• Live recorded 1-of-1 instrument phrases
• Well organized folders for easy use
• 300+ phrases recorded by a team of skilled musicians

Pack #3 Bonus – Deluxe Kits + PDFs

Contains a deluxe one shot kit filled with 100+ sounds, along with 1GB worth of 100% royalty free samples & 2 “secret sauce” PDF files, filled with FL Studio tips and tricks & billboard-certified techniques to help bring you industry-level production and increase your workflow.
100+ one shot kit

• 1GB worth of samples/bass MIDIs
• 2 secret sauce PDF files with industry tips and tricks
• 100% royalty free, key & BPM labeled

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