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Ergo Kukke Aleatoric Keys KONTAKT

Kontakt | 9Gb

任意键引擎易于使用,但可以提供丰富而复杂的结果。 任意键包含四个可单独调节的样本源,每个样本源都包含大量完全可调节的参数。 “源运动”和“滤镜运动”操纵垫使您的乐谱或变得生动并随着图片而移动。

任意键是一种仅利用在其他地方无法获得的新声音的工具。 许多自然声音来自合成源并模仿古典乐器,而且许多自然声音变成了合成器。


14GB 样本和内容

160 种乐器包括从重新创新的经典 EPianos 到坚韧的贝斯、环境音垫和音景、EDM 和重新设想的经典合成器、管乐和 FX。 因此,任意键是为电影素材而设计的,但可以用作大多数音乐流派的表现层。 让您的提示或配乐独一无二,或使用任意键添加多汁的合成器层。

Aleatoric Keys 提供的最好的功能可以立即进行试听; 有 112 个分类快照。 它们被轻松地分为“低音”、“琴键和弦乐”、“打击垫”、“合成器”和“FX”子组,以实现极其高效的声谱填充。 每个快照都很容易适应,可以轻松修改为完美的声音。


四个声源允许您对来自“Bass”、“FX”、“Keys”、“Leads”、“Natural”、“Pad”、“Winds”和“Xtra”的声音进行分层。它们一起将产生一个 鼓舞人心的开场曲或音乐的渐进式延续。

每个声源上的控件允许您根据项目的需求定制声音,从而使其非常有效。 其中包括均衡器、包络和滤波器,用于混合您的声音并使其独一无二。


作为任意键最具决定性的功能之一,“源移动”操纵板允许对四个声源增益动态进行无与伦比的控制。 不断转移按键或打击垫层的焦点,产生的声音将变得栩栩如生,并为屏幕上的角色讲述故事。 您可以使用板载控件轻松更改声音相互混合的方式,并根据您的特定需求定制结果。


通过允许独立地调制每个音频源的滤波器截止频率和谐振,现在可以对每层的音色进行最终控制。 这种对音调动态的控制极大地增加了可能的声音结果,从而产生有趣且独特的声音。 当与“Source Movement”Pad 已经令人印象深刻的自由度相结合时,可能性确实是无限的。


与“Trails”和“AMM”一样,Aleatoric Keys 有四个 LFO 和四个 ADSR 包络,具有各种声源参数可供选择。 无论您想要控制声音的移动和表现方式,还是想要对随机功能感到惊讶,这些工具都可以为您的声音添加动态特征。


九种内置效果可用于进一步混合声音或添加疯狂的味道。 无论您想要增强声音、添加失真还是拓宽声音,这些效果器都是非常有用的工具。


随机化可以激发无限的想法并开始新的轨道,因此我们确保随机化引擎更改最鼓舞人心的参数和值。 随机化菜单将控制权交给您,因此您可以选择要更改的声音内容。


The Aleatoric Keys engine is easy to use, but can give rich and complex outcomes. Aleatoric Keys contains four individually adjustable sample sources, each housing an abundance of fully modulatable parameters. The “Source Movement” & “Filter Movement” manipulation pads make your score or come alive and move with the picture.

Aleatoric Keys is a tool only utilizing new sounds that you cannot get anywhere else. Many natural sounds come from synthesized sources and emulate classical instruments, but also, many natural sounds turn into synthesizers.

To make your life easier, many individual sounds come in premixed, so that you can save time making them unique to your mix.

14GB of Samples and Content

The 160 included instruments range from reinnovated classid EPianos, to gritty bass, ambient pads and soundscapes, EDM and re-envisioned classic synths, Winds and FX. Consequently, Aleatoric Keys were designed for cinematic material, but can be used as an expressive layer in most genres of music. Make your cue or soundtrack unique or add layers of juicy synths with Aleatoric Keys.

The best of what Aleatoric Keys has to offer is available for auditioning right out of the box; with the 112 categorized Snapshots. They are handily divided into “Bass”, “Keys & Strings”, “Pads”, “Synths” & “FX” subgroups for exceptionally efficient sound spectrum fillment. Each snapshot is easily adaptable, making it simple to modify into the perfect sound.

Four Flexible Sample Sources

The four sound sources allow you to layer sounds from “Bass”, “FX”, “Keys”, “Leads”, “Natural”, “Pad”, “Winds” & “Xtra”. Together they will produce an inspiring starter or a progressive continuation to your music.

The controls on each sound source allow you to tailor the sound to your project’s needs, thus making them extremely effective. These include EQ, Envelope & Filter to mix your sounds and make them unique.

Source Movement’ Manipulation Pad

One of Aleatoric Keys most defining features, the “Source Movement” Manipulation Pad permits for unrivalled control over the four sound source gain dynamics. Continually shifting the focus of your key or pad layers, the produced sound will come to life and tell a story for characters on the screen. You can easily change how the sounds mix with each other with the onboard controls and tailor the result to your specific needs.

Filter Movement’ Manipulation Pad

By allowing for the modulation of the filter cutoff frequency and resonance of each audio source independently, ultimate control over the timbre of each layer is now possible. This control over tonal dynamics massively increases possible sound outcomes for interesting and unique sound. When combined with the already impressive freedom of the “Source Movement” Pad, the possibilities truly are infinite.

Edit Modulation’ Menu

Like “Trails” and “AMM” Aleatoric Keys has four LFO’s and four ADSR Envelopes with various Sound Source parameters to choose from. Whether you want control in your hands of how the sound moves and behaves or you want to be surprised by the Randomise function, these tools are there to add dynamic character to your sounds.

Nine Included Effects Units

The nine built-in effects can be used to further mix the sounds or add crazy flavours. Whether you want to thicken up the sound, add distortions or widen your sound, these effects are extremely useful tools at your service.

Edit Randomise’ Page

Randomisation can spark infinite ideas and get a new track started, so we made sure that the randomising engine changes parameters and values that make the most inspirational sense. The randomisation menu puts control in your hands, so you can choose what you would like to change on a sound.

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