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EarthTone Turkish Sazbush WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 09 December 2021 | 436 MB

Earthtone 的“Turkish Sazbush”包含来自这种土耳其乐器的专业演奏和录制的旋律。

Sazbush 作为一种乐器,在 40 年代的传统土耳其派对中取得了巨大成功。对于在大型婚礼中演奏的吉普赛音乐家来说,这是完美的,因为 oud 和 Saz 总是在大空间中消失,尤其是在使用喇叭鼓等响亮的乐器演奏时。对他们来说,Cumbus Saz 是完美的解决方案。

详细地希望能找到 765MB 的原始内容,其中包含 139 个以 90/110/130 BPM 播放精美的 Sazbush 循环,包括一个干版(没有任何额外的均衡器、压缩器或混响效果)和每个湿版,总共278 个文件。所有循环都标有 Key 和 tempo 以便于使用。所有声音都已准备好直接适合您的曲目。


请注意:这只是一个 Sazbush 包,此演示中包含的其他声音仅用于演示目的。


• 92 个 Sazbush Loops @ 90 BPM
• 108 Sazbush Loops @ 110 BPM
• 78 Sazbush Loops @ 130 BPM


‘Turkish Sazbush’ by Earthtone contains professionally played and recorded melodies from this Turkish instrument.

Sazbush as a instrument, was a big success in the traditional Turkish parties of the 40s. For the Gypsy musicians who played in huge weddings, it was perfect as the oud and the Saz always disappears in big spaces, especially when played with loud instruments such as trumpets drums and such. For them, the Cumbus Saz was just the perfect solution.

In detail expect to find 765MB of raw content featuring 139 beautifully played Sazbush loops at 90/110/130 BPM and includes a dry version (w/o any additional e.q, compressor or reverb effects) and a wet version of each, giving a total of 278 files. All loops are Key and tempo labeled for ease of use. All sounds are ready to fit straight in your tracks.

This instrument can be used accompanying other instruments and perfectly usable in variety of musical genres whether you’re producing World Music, Ethnic And Organic Folk Music, Experimental, Cinematic, Ambient, Meditation, Live Lounge, Electronica or even Hip Hop, as well as for film score, documentaries and media compositions.

Please Note: This is a Sazbush pack ONLY, other sounds contained within this Demo are for demonstration purposes only.

Product Details:

• 92 Sazbush Loops @ 90 BPM
• 108 Sazbush Loops @ 110 BPM
• 78 Sazbush Loops @ 130 BPM

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