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Bitwig Studio v3.3.5 MacOSX v3.3.1 WiN LiNUX

Bitwig Studio v3.3.5 (MacOS) [MORiA]| Standalone | 230 MB

Bitwig Studio 3.3.1 x64 WiN MAC LiNUX| WiN – 246.97 MB | LiNUX – 212.62 MB

Bitwig Studio激发您更好地控制音乐,使您可以访问制作的各个方面。简化您的创作过程,并将您的想法快速发展成完整的歌曲,曲目和作品。记录并安排,即兴演奏或一次执行全部操作。
富有表现力的MIDI支持除了标准的音符编辑功能和每个音符的表达方式(例如力度,增益,声相,音色和压力)外,Bitwig Studio还具有独特的工具,例如快速动作,微音高和复杂的分层编辑,并且在支持方面处于领先MPE。
时间延展使用Bitwig Studio的最新时间延展功能,无论项目节奏如何,都可以及时获取音频素材。让Bitwig Studio分析并自动拉伸音频,或者完全控制并使用我们的高级拉伸和编辑工具。Bitwig Studio带有8种不同的时间拉伸算法,可以满足您的所有音乐需求,包括著名的Zplane Elastique四种口味。
取样器Bitwig Studio采样器是用于播放和处理音频的强大工具。它拥有多种播放模式,具有交叉淡入淡出功能的高级循环功能,无限的调制可能性,庞大的多重采样编辑器等。
EQ + EQ +是功能丰富的图形均衡器,具有多达8个频段,鼠标手势以及出色的可视化和算法。
微音调微音调是Note FX设备,可让您以新的方式重新调整音符流。微调单个音符,变换音阶,缩小或扩展八度音阶,弹奏您从未想过的音符。
Bitwig Studio 3.3.5中的更改[2021年3月18日发布] [b]修复
在某些情况下,粘贴笔记将它们放置在错误的位置[24036] 有时静音片段不会立即显示为静音[25340] 分层笔记编辑器正在跳跃在某些情况下更改音符长度时,将其切换到音频编辑器[24023] 在播放过程中删除所有速度自动点时,速度会跳至0 BPM [20952] 复制并粘贴具有速度自动的场景会丢失粘贴场景中的速度自动[ [24829] 将片段从主轨道保存到包含速度自动化的库中不会保存速度自动化。[25453] 用于输入参数值的值框太小(自v3.3.4起回归)[25425] 快速切片功能:窗口页脚中显示的节拍网格细分不正确[25195] 在某些情况下应该显示为[25426、25422、25423],但未显示悬停信息文本
Windows:音频文件导入再次起作用(自v3.3.4起回归)[25448] Linux:使用自定义缩放比例时,高分辨率显示器上的启动画面很大。
多点触控:移动大型多点轨道时间选择非常慢[25424] 多点触摸:不再需要等待菜单显示就可以将编曲片段/时间向左
移动FabFilter Pro-Q3 / VST3不会显示侧链信号如果没有输入[25383] VST3插件:barPositionMusic始终报告为零
LinnStrument控制器脚本:现在默认为48个半音的Pitch Bend范围,以反映最近的2.2.2固件更新中的更改。

macOS 10.13 High Sierra或以上
具有SSE 4.1功能的CPU

Bitwig Studio inspires you to take greater control of your music, giving you access to every aspect of your production. Streamline your creative process and quickly evolve your ideas into complete songs, tracks, and compositions. Record and arrange, improvise and perform, or do it all at once.
Audio Editing The Detail Editor optimizes audio editing by letting you make edits within a clip. This allows you to stretch, split, pitch, pan, copy, reverse, add, move, and rearrange audio as you choose.
Expressive MIDI Support In addition to standard note-editing features and per-note expressions such as velocity, gain, pan, timbre, and pressure, Bitwig Studio features unique tools like quick actions, micro pitch, and sophisticated layered editing, and is a forefront runner in supporting MPE.
Time-Stretching Keep your audio material in time regardless of project tempo using Bitwig Studio’s state-of-the-art time stretching. Let Bitwig Studio analyze and automatically stretch your audio, or take full control and use our advanced stretching and editing tools. Bitwig Studio comes with 8 different time stretch algorithms to cover all your musical needs, including the renowned Zplane Elastique in four flavors.
Sampler The Bitwig Studio Sampler is a powerful tool for playing and manipulating audio. It boasts several playback modes, advanced looping features with crossfades, endless modulation possibilities, a massive multisample editor, and more.
Phase-4 Meet Phase-4, a four-oscillator synthesizer powered by phase modulation and phase distortion. This unique synth can do classic, modern, and beyond.
EQ+ EQ+ is a feature-packed graphical equalizer with up to 8 bands, mouse gestures, and excellent visualization and algorithms.
Drum Machine The Drum Machine is a container device that you can fill with sonic goodness. It’s never been easier to create unique and great-sounding kits.
Amp Inject a bit of virtual analog grit into your sounds with the Amp device, a remarkable piece of amplifier-simulation technology.
Micro-pitch Micro-pitch is a Note FX device that allows you to re-tune your note streams in new ways. Fine-tune individual notes, transform scales, shrink or expand octaves, play notes that you would never have imagined.
Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.3.5 [released 18 March 2021] [b]Fixes
Pasting notes put them in a wrong position, under certain conditions [24036] Muted clips sometimes didn’t immediately display as muted [25340] Layered note editor was jumping to the audio editor when changing note length in certain cases [24023] When deleting all tempo automation points during playback, tempo jumped to 0 BPM [20952] Copy and pasting a scene that has tempo automation would lose the tempo automation in the pasted scene [24829] Saving a clip from the master track to the library that contained tempo automation would not save the tempo automation [25453] Value boxes for entering parameter values were too small (regression since v3.3.4) [25425] Quick Slice function: beat grid subdivision shown in window footer was incorrect [25195] Hover info text was not shown in some cases where it should have been [25426, 25422, 25423] Windows: Audio file import works again (regression since v3.3.4) [25448] Linux: Splash screen was enormous on a hi-res monitor when a custom scaling factor was used
Multi-touch: Set play start marker when selection clips / time on Arranger option didn’t work
Multi-touch: Moving large multi-track time-selections was extremely slow [25424] Multi-touch: No longer need to wait for the menu to show up in order to move Arranger clips/time to the left
FabFilter Pro-Q3/VST3 did not show the side chain signal if there was no input [25383] VST3 plug-ins: barPositionMusic reported zero at all times
LinnStrument controller script: Now defaults to a Pitch Bend range of 48 semitones, to reflect a change in the recent 2.2.2 firmware update.

REQ:Operating System:
macOS 10.13 High Sierra or above
a CPU capable of SSE 4.1

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