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终极电影管风琴 – Spitfire Audio Symphonic Organ KONTAKT

KONTAKT | 22.51 GB

实现在《星际穿越》、《2001:太空漫游》和《创》等大片配乐中闻名的令人惊叹的电影音效。 展示拉格比学校教堂管风琴 – 一个巨大的、拥有 3,721 个管子、大教堂大小的管风琴,安装在一个私密的教堂内 – 创造出无与伦比的史诗般但直接的声音。
为了捕捉其独特的深度、力量和美感,我们与作曲家、制作人和管风琴专家安迪·理查兹 (Andy Richards) 合作,他精心策划了可即时演奏的停止组合,使您能够充分利用这种音色优美的乐器。

他令人印象深刻的唱片包括大型电影配乐,包括《贫民窟的百万富翁》,以及格蕾丝·琼斯和乔治·迈克尔等标志性艺术家的唱片。 每个音高都通过多个麦克风位置进行录制,以实现终极的真实感和控制力,并伴随着我们的 eDNA 引擎中呈现的 50 个令人费解的扭曲预设。



管风琴是一种用途广泛的乐器,现已广泛应用于最初的教堂或恐怖电影场景之外,它非常适合为管弦乐乐谱和作品增添深度、力量和美感。 除了圣桑管风琴交响曲等著名交响乐作品外,管风琴还为无数不同类型的大片电影配乐提供了基础,包括《Koyaanisqatsi》(菲利普·格拉斯)、《迷魂记》(伯纳德·赫尔曼)、《星际穿越》(汉斯·季默)、2001 :《太空漫游》(选自理查·施特劳斯 1896 年的作品《查拉图斯特拉如是说》)和《创》(温迪·卡洛斯)。 没有任何管弦乐器可以降低音调,给您带来雷鸣般的低音深度,让您感受到而不是听到。


在蒂姆·波顿 (Tim Burton) 的《理发师陶德》(Sweeney Todd) 的开场片段中,您可以听到这座大教堂大小的管风琴 — 四个手册(键盘)、71 个音栓(其中 55 个为演讲音栓)和 3,721 个管子 — 与其亲密的教堂声学环境形成鲜明对比,营造出史诗般的氛围 声音,产生独特的强度和直接性。 经过专业录制和呈现,这个权威的风琴库经过精心设计,与我们的交响乐系列完美契合,使您能够创作出丰富的音色。

这是旋律乐器的主界面。 它的默认视图显示所有可用的演奏技巧,有一个简单的麦克风混音器,并包括主要功能控制器。

该界面包含我们自己的样本合成器引擎。 您可以使用它来组合两种声音,并通过每个声音的包络、滤波器和摆动以及门控音序器和一系列首选 FX 在它们之间进行调制。


Mac 系统要求
~ Mac 操作系统 11、12 或 13
~ 支持 Intel 和 Apple Silicon/ARM
~ 最低:2.8GHz i5 最低(四核),8GB RAM
~ 推荐:2.8GHz I7(六核),16GB RAM
~ 不支持 32 位系统

~ Windows 10 或 Windows 11 -(最新 Service Pack,64 位)
~ 最低配置:Intel 2.8 GHz i5(四核)或 AMD Ryzen 5、8GB RAM
~ 推荐:Intel Core i7 第 6 代及更高版本或 AMD Ryzen 7、16GB RAM
~ 不支持 32 位系统

~ 17760 个样本
~ 23.8 GB 下载大小
安装期间需要 ~ 24.00 GB 磁盘空间

~ 需要 Kontakt Full 或 Kontakt Player 5.6.8 或更高版本


The ultimate cinematic organ
Achieve that awe-inspiring cinematic sound made famous in blockbuster scores such as Interstellar, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Tron. Presenting the Rugby School Chapel organ — a monstrous, 3,721-pipe, cathedral-sized organ housed in an intimate chapel — creating an epic but immediate sound like no other.
To capture its unique depth, power and beauty, we teamed up with composer, producer and organ expert Andy Richards, who has curated stop combinations for instant playability, enabling you to get the best out of this beautifully-voiced instrument.

His impressive discography includes work on huge film scores, including Slumdog Millionaire, and records by iconic artists from Grace Jones to George Michael. Every pitch has been recorded with multiple mic positions for ultimate realism and control, accompanied by 50 mind-bending warped presets presented in our eDNA engine.

The ultimate organ
A hugely versatile instrument now widely used beyond its original church or horror film setting, the organ is perfect for adding depth, power and beauty to orchestral scores and compositions. As well as in renowned symphonic works such as Saint-Saens’ Organ Symphony, the organ provides the foundations for countless blockbuster film scores of various genres, including Koyaanisqatsi (Philip Glass), Vertigo (Bernard Herrmann), Interstellar (Hans Zimmer), 2001: A Space Odyssey (from Richard Strauss’ 1896 work Also Sprach Zarathustra) and Tron (Wendy Carlos). There is no orchestral instrument that can go lower in pitch, giving you thunderous sub-bass like depth that you feel rather than hear.

As soon as Spitfire founder and composer Paul Thomson heard the Rugby School Chapel Organ, he knew Spitfire had to sample it.

Heard in the opening sequence to Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd, the contrast of this cathedral-sized organ — four manuals (keyboards), 71 stops (of which 55 are speaking stops) and 3,721 pipes — with its intimate chapel acoustic setting, creates an epic sound, producing a unique intensity and immediacy. Expertly recorded and presented, this definitive organ library has been designed to fit perfectly with our Symphonic range, enabling you to create rich sounding scores.

The overview panel
This is the main interface for melodic instruments. Its default view displays all available playing techniques, has a simple microphone mixer and includes the main feature controllers.

eDNA Engine
This interface houses our own sample-synthesiser engine. You can use it to combine two sounds and modulate between them with envelopes, filters and wobbles per sound, as well as a gate sequencer and a selection of go-to FX.

Tech specs

Mac system requirements
~ Mac OS 11, 12 or 13
~ Both Intel and Apple Silicon/ARM are supported
~ Minimum: 2.8GHz i5 minimum (quad-core), 8GB RAM
~ Recommended: 2.8GHz I7 (six-core), 16GB RAM
~ 32-bit systems are not supported

PC system requirements
~ Windows 10 or Windows 11 – (Latest Service Pack, 64-bit)
~ Minimum: Intel 2.8 GHz i5 (quad-core) or AMD Ryzen 5, 8GB RAM
~ Recommended: Intel Core i7 6th gen and later or AMD Ryzen 7, 16GB RAM
~ 32-bit systems are not supported

File size
~ 17760 samples
~ 23.8 GB download size
~ 24.00 GB disk space required during install

Kontakt player
~ Kontakt Full or Kontakt Player 5.6.8 or higher required

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