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电影循环模块 – Rigid Audio Cinematrix KONTAKT


您也可以使用音序器页面中的“ SLICE”按钮播放切片的循环。
(当打开音序器时)或触发每个声部的音量“ trancegate”。
顶部的LCD显示当前套件,或者如果您已修改套件(加载了另一个循环),则仅显示“ — USER —”。
在这里您可以选择不同的循环,或者让CINEMATRIX通过单击“ R”按钮(随机)选择新的循环。
-ALT / OPTION:一次为所有四个部分选择一个随机循环。
-SHIFT + ALT / OPTION:为所有部分选择一个随机循环+将FX和EDIT页面值随机化(预设FX随机值)。
STEP FILTER是一种速度同步带通滤波器,可随机更改其截止值。 AMOUNT控制截止扫描的强度。 STEP GATE是经典的“ trancegate”。中间是各个效果部分的开/关切换按钮。右侧是一个预设菜单,其中包含32个预设和一个随机选择按钮,用于随机选择一个。
SPACE REVERB具有60种脉冲响应,您可以通过下拉菜单选择。
也许是CINEMATRIX中最有趣的事情。每个零件都有一个2 x 32步进音序器,使您不仅可以控制每个零件的采样偏移量,还可以控制循环偏移量。因此,基本上,每个部件将32个循环加载到RAM中,然后您可以抵消要播放的循环。 (这将立即产生非常有趣的结果!)。
此外,每个声部都有32个预设(连同著名的“ R”按钮),一个速率控制(1 / 2、1 / 4、1 / 8、1 / 16),开始和结束步距偏移旋钮+一个SLICE和门按钮:
-GATE按钮:如果第一个(采样偏移)音序器中的当前步为0,则此刻将不播放循环。 (某些预设是必需的。)
-SLICE按钮:让您以彩色方式播放所选循环的键盘上的前24个片段。 (“ AKAI样式”)。
+ 1.300 24位主机同步循环(3.2GB)
+ 350个预设套件(在此处下载套件列表PDF)
+基于功能强大的SYNFERNO引擎(14k +行脚本代码)
+ 100%免版税
注意:需要完整版本的KONTAKT 5.7.1+!

CINEMATRIX delivers truly unique and inspiring sounds right out of the box.
It is a state-of-the-art cinematic loop module for KONTAKT containing 350 different kits that can be played in tandem across four categories (Bass, Melody, Ambience and Groove).
These kits are built using the included 1.300 (unencrypted) 24-bit WAV files.
All loops can be played polyphonically timestretched within a range of two octaves (24 semitones).
Each part has it´s own color-coded range on the keyboard.
You can alternatively play the loops sliced using the “SLICE” button in the sequencer pages.
There are special MIDI trigger keys/notes that enable you to retrigger a currently playing slice
(when a sequencer is turned on) or to trigger a volume “trancegate” per part.
The top LCD shows the current kit or simply “—USER—” if you’ve modified the kit (loaded a different loop).
You have 4 LC-displays that show the current (loaded) loop.
From there you can select different loops or let CINEMATRIX choose new ones by clicking on the “R” buttons (randomize).
The randomize buttons have different functions depending on what key you press at the same time:
– NO KEY: chooses a random loop from the part’s loop list.
– SHIFT: randomizes parameters in the FX and EDIT page and chooses a random FX preset.
– ALT/OPTION: chooses a random loop for all four parts at once.
– SHIFT + ALT/OPTION: chooses a random loop for all parts + randomizes FX and EDIT page values (random FX preset).
The EDIT page lets you set up parameters for each of the four parts.
CINEMATRIX features per-part loop speed control (half, normal, double speed and freeze).
You got a filter modifier with cutoff and resonance, amplifier and filter envelope control, modwheel mapping (volume, lowpass or highpass filter cutoff), pitchbend range as well as a solid bus compressor, tape-saturation, a lowcut and a stereo width adjustment.
CINEMATRIX comes with a comprehensive onboard FX section. Besides the basic bread-and-butter effects like auto-pan, flanger and delay, you also got some more interesting effects:
The STEP FILTER is a tempo-synced bandpass filter that randomly changes it’s cutoff. The AMOUNT controls the strength of the cutoff sweeps. The STEP GATE is a classical volume “trancegate”. In the middle are on/off toggle buttons for the various effect sections. To the right is a preset menu with 32 presets and a randomize button that chooses one randomly.
The SPACE REVERB comes with 60 impulse responses that you can choose via the dropdown menu.
This convolution reverb is available for each part!
Perhaps the most interesting thing in CINEMATRIX. Each part has a 2 x 32 step sequencer that let´s you not only control the sample offset per part but also the loop offset. So basically it loads 32 loops per part into the RAM and then you can offset which one to play. (Which delivers really interesting results in no time!).
Furthermore, each part has 32 presets (together with the famous “R” button), a rate control (1/2 , 1/4, 1/8 , 1/16), start step and end step offset knobs + a SLICE and a GATE button:
– GATE button: If the current step in the first (sample offset) sequencer is 0 it won´t play the loop at this moment. (Required for some presets.)
– SLICE button: Let´s you play the first 24 slices on the keyboard of the selected loop chromatically. (“AKAI-Style”).
It will then use the default pitch, that you can still change using the SEMI knobs on the mix page.
350 preset kits that guarantee instant inspiration. If that’s not enough you can use the randomization features of CINEMATRIX to generate endless “new” kits.
What you get:
+ 1.300 24-bit host-synced loops (3.2GB)
+ 350 preset kits (download a kit list PDF here)
+ based on the powerful SYNFERNO engine (14k+ lines of script code)
+ central mixing section with 2x parametric EQ per part
+ seperate edit, fx and sequencer pages
+ comprehensive effects section with 4x convolution reverb
+ polyphonic timestretching, MIDI hotkeys
+ intelligent randomization
+ per-part step sequencer with sample and loop offset
+ awesome editing and sound-shaping capabilities
+ mix and match loops for endless posibilities
+ unencrypted WAV loops – ready for any DAW
+ fast preset kit browsing utilizing KONTAKT’s snapshot feature
What else?
+ CINEMATRIX is fully automatable
+ instantly useable and inspiring sounds right at your fingertips
+ 100% royalty free
+ instant download after purchase from fast servers
NOTE: Full version of KONTAKT 5.7.1+ required!

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