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电子鼓 – SonicCouture – Abstrakt Konkrete Vol.2

SonicCouture – Abstrakt Konkrete Vol.2
05.18.2007 | DYNAMiCS | 1 CD | RAR SIZE 327 MB



创建Konkrete 1时,我们努力为每个套件赋予其自己的概念。每个套件都有自己的声音和想法。每个鼓声音都混合在一起,以在其自己的套件中完美工作。有了Konkrete 2,一切都没有改变。我们努力创造另外25个完全独特的鼓组,每个鼓组都有一些不同的东西,每个都有自己的音色。现场录音,肮脏的旧模拟合成器,弯曲的高保真音响设备,晦涩的学术软件算法,不寻常的声学空间-这次我们真正突破了打击乐创作的极限。

对于Kontakt 2用户来说,这是一个功能强大的工具-毛刺机让您只需按下“触发键”并移动调制轮,就可以创建从口吃毛刺到嗡嗡声,钻辊的所有内容。现在,在Konkrete 2中,每个单独的参数都可以分配给MIDI,以便对音序进行更复杂的控制。

Konkrete 2始终以24位分辨率创建,并在广受赞誉的Konkrete鼓的基础上进行了改进。该套件更大,可以全61键操作,现在在某些声音上使用了速度分层,以增加细节和控制。声音范围很广,从蓬勃发展的亚音速踢鼓到松脆的军鼓,一口咬一口,波光粼粼,打击乐的音色令人难以置信。 Konkrete2已被编程为多种格式:Kontakt 2,Battery 2 + 3,HALion,Reason NN-XT和Logic EXS24。


1600+ 24位样本

Konkrete2 is the next level in electronic Drums – 25 full kits, each spanning 61 notes of the keyboard to give unparalled variety, texture and impact for the next generation of Drum programmers.

New Percussive Concepts
When we created Konkrete 1, we worked hard to give each kit it’s own concept. Every Kit has its own sound, its own idea. Each drum sound was mixed to work perfectly within it’s own kit. With Konkrete 2, nothing has changed. We strived to create another 25 totally unique drum kits, each offering something very different, each with its own sonic flavour. Live recordings, dirty old analogue synths, circuit-bent hi-fi equipment, obscure academic software algorithims, unusual acoustic spaces – this time we really pushed the limits of percussion creation.

KSP Glitch Machine
A powerful tool for Kontakt 2 users – The Glitch Machine allows you to create everything from stuttering glitches to buzzing, drilling rolls simply by holding down a ‘trigger key’ and moving the Modulation wheel. Now, in Konkrete 2, each individual parameter can be assigned to MIDI for even more complex control over sequences.

Massive Sonic Range
Created at 24 bit resolution throughout, Konkrete 2 builds and improves on the highly acclaimed Konkrete Drums. The kits are bigger, at a full 61 keys, and now velocity layering is employed on certain sounds for added detail and control. The sonic range is vast, from booming subsonic kick drums to crunchy snares with tons of bite and shimmering, shifting percussion with an incredible high-end. Konkrete2 has been expertly programmed for a variety of formats : Kontakt 2, Battery 2 + 3, HALion, Reason NN-XT, and Logic EXS24.

‘Create More Original Beats..’
Any producer who cares about drums will find Konkrete2 completely addictive. Whether it’s creating full-on I.D.M., Glitch, Drum’n’ Bass, micro-house or Dubstep, or adding those crucial percussive accents to Pop and Rock drum tracks, the sheer depth of this collection will print itself all over your beats.

Konkrete2 – Electronica Drum and Percussion Library
25 Drum Kits
61 Keys per Kit
1600+ 24 bit Samples
KSP Glitch Machine Processor (Kontakt2 Only)
Up to 6 Velocity layers
Demo MIDI Files Included

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