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最具感情色彩的管弦乐 – IK Multimedia Miroslav Philharmonik 2 v2.0.5 WiN / OSX

IK Multimedia Miroslav Philharmonik 2 v2.0.5 WiN / OSX | 76 Mb / 90 Mb

Miroslav Philharmonik 2与传奇的爵士贝斯手和有远见的采样大师Miroslav Vitous共同制作,为您提供了超过58GB的声音库,其中有2,700多种乐器采用了辉煌的高清音频采样。每种乐器都适合–它们可以一起演奏,也可以单独演奏。

它的每个乐器都具有真正音乐家演奏的多种音乐清晰度,只有主指挥才能激发出这种“现场”感觉。从流畅的连奏到生动的披萨,从激进的奏鸣曲到优美的断奏,再到从细微的钢琴演奏到最凯旋的奏鸣曲,Miroslav Philharmonik 2使您能够从每个音符中汲取原始的音乐感觉和情感。 Miroslav Philharmonik 2保留了最初的Miroslav Philharmonik管弦乐工作站的精神和音乐性,该工作站用于制作无数的主要电影乐谱和构图,并将管弦乐演奏者的情感和表情提升到一个全新的启蒙水平,这只能称为它的创造者本人就是“魔术师”。


Made in collaboration with legendary jazz bassist and sampling visionary, Miroslav Vitous, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 gives you a over 58GB sound library with over 2,700 instruments sampled in glorious high-definition audio. Every instrument fits — they are made to play together and made to stand alone.

Each of its instruments features multiple musical articulations played by real musicians with the kind of “live” feeling that only a master conductor can provoke. From flowing legatos to animated pizzicatos, from aggressive spiccatos to elegant staccatos and from the subtlest pianissimo to the most triumphant fortissimo, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 gives you the power to draw raw musical feeling and emotion from every note. Miroslav Philharmonik 2 retains the spirit and musicality of the original Miroslav Philharmonik orchestral workstation used to produce countless major motion picture scores and compositions, and it takes the emotion and expression of the orchestral players to a new level of enlightenment, one that can only be called “magic” by it’s creator himself.

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