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传奇罗兰JUPITER-8合成器 – Roland VS JUPITER-8 v1.0.9 WIN

File Size : 13 MB


以行星之王的名字命名,历史上很少有合成器比Roland JUPITER-8更具有传奇色彩。 Roland JUPITER-8于1980年作为最终的复音和可编程现场演奏合成器推出,具有一些可以想象得到的最丰富,最有力的音调和纹理。 Roland JUPITER-8软件合成器由Roland改变游戏规则的ACB(模拟电路行为)建模提供支持,是对传奇的完美再现,它具有与硬件相同的令人难以置信的平滑音垫,震撼的低音和引人入胜的引线,现在可以通过Roland Cloud向全世界使用!

通过USB连接到Roland SYSTEM-8合成器,可以对所有功能进行全面的硬件控制
用作JUPITER-8 PLUG OUT的基于计算机的编辑器(预装在Roland SYSTEM-8 Synthesizer中)

只有通过我们突破性的ACB(模拟电路行为)建模,Roland才能修改所有合成器的标尺。借助Roland Jupiter-8软件合成器,该重音动力室的每个声音和演奏元素都经过精心打造,重现了细节。从JP-8的16个模拟振荡器的丰富功能到难以置信的平滑2或4极谐振滤波器,从交叉调制到振荡器同步,每个参数都存在,并且每个声音细节都得到了尊重。只需播放Jupiter-8软件合成器5分钟,您就会很快理解为什么在图表排行榜上能听到让Jean Michel Jarre,Duran Duran,Depeche Mode,Tears For Fears,Thomas Dolby,Underworld,和更多。

插入Roland SYSTEM-8
罗兰(Roland)的创新PLUG OUT功能与强大的AIRA SYSTEM-8硬件合成器结合使用,将您的创作体验提升到一个新的水平,为世界带来了新的可能性。通过USB将SYSTEM-8硬件连接到您的计算机,并享受在DAW中运行的JUPITER-8软合成器的功能性一键式声音整形和性能控制(SYSTEM-8还可以用作高级分辨率的音频和MIDI接口!)。当需要执行时,PLUG OUT会将JUPITER-8合成器和所有设置传输到SYSTEM-8硬件-Roland可靠性,不需要计算机!

什么是新的 :

Perfect “ACB” recreation of original legendary Roland JUPITER-8 synthesizer.

Named after the King of Planets, there are few synthesizers in history more legendary than the Roland JUPITER-8. Introduced in 1980 as the ultimate polyphonic and programmable live performance Synthesizer, the Roland JUPITER-8 is capable of some of the richest, most powerful tones and textures imaginable. Powered by Roland’s game-changing ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) Modeling, the Roland JUPITER-8 software synthesizer is a perfect recreation of a legend, capable of the same incredibly smooth pads, earth-shaking basses, and emotional leads as its hardware counterpart, now available to the world through Roland Cloud!

Perfect “ACB” recreation of original legendary Roland JUPITER-8 Synthesizer
Up to 8 voices polyphony (based on computer power)
Full hardware control of all functions available by USB connection to Roland SYSTEM-8 Synthesizer
Serves as computer-based editor for JUPITER-8 PLUG OUT (pre-loaded in Roland SYSTEM-8 Synthesizer)
VST and AU compatible

Respecting Royalty
Only through our breakthrough ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) Modeling could Roland revist this ruler of all synths. With the Roland Jupiter-8 Software Synthesizer, every sound and performance element of this polyphonic powerhouse has been recreated with meticulous attention to detail. From the richness of the JP-8’s 16 analog oscillators to the incredibly-smooth 2 or 4-pole resonant filters, from cross modulation to oscillator sync, every parameter is present, and every sonic nuance has been respected. Just play the Jupiter-8 Software Synth for 5 minutes and you’ll quickly understand why the original has been heard on chart-topping tracks by icons including Jean Michel Jarre, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Tears For Fears, Thomas Dolby, Underworld, and more.

PLUG OUT to the Roland SYSTEM-8
Taking your creative experience to the next level, Roland’s innovative PLUG OUT functionality used in combination with the powerhouse AIRA SYSTEM-8 hardware synthesizer opens up a world of new possibilities. USB-connect the SYSTEM-8 hardware to your computer and enjoy inspiring one-knob-per-function sound-shaping and performance control of the JUPITER-8 soft-synth running in your DAW (the SYSTEM-8 can also serve as a high resolution AUDIO and MIDI Interface for your computer!). When it’s time to perform, PLUG OUT transfers the JUPITER-8 synth and all your settings to the SYSTEM-8 hardware- Roland reliablity and no computer needed!

Whats New :
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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