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贝司放大器插件 – Brainworx-Plugin Alliance Ampeg Bundle 2024.5 WIN

File size: 31 MB

Ampeg B-15N实际上定义了电低音的声音。你在几代人的无数热门唱片中都听到过它,从詹姆斯·贾默森的摩城唱片到唐纳德·“鸭子”·邓恩的经典斯塔克斯唱片等等。这30瓦,15“全管低音放大器充满了字符。从60年代到今天,它提供了厚重的基本音调,这是唱片中巨大的低音的原因。


来自Ampeg的SVT放大器长期以来一直是一些最著名的贝斯手的最爱,包括Bootsy Collins, Darryl Jones, Michael Bradford, Chris Wyse等等。SVT系列的音调是立即可识别的,具有充分柔软的底部,并在中音令人满意的咆哮,设定了所有低音放大器被判断的标准。

传奇的SVT低音放大器来自Ampeg的雄心壮志,创造了“世界上最大,最令人讨厌的低音放大器”。这次任务取得了巨大的成功,SVT-VR已经多次证明了自己在创造沉重音调方面无与伦比的力量。在Ampeg SVT-VR插件提供硬件的声音在您的数字音频工作站(DAW)。


安培B-15N v1.5.1
安培SVT-3Pro v1.5.1
安培SVT-VR v1.5.1
安培V-4B v1.5.1


The Ampeg B-15N has practically defined the sound of electric bass. You’ve heard it on countless hit records for generations, from Motown cuts with James Jamerson to classic Stax records with Donald “Duck” Dunn and beyond. This 30-watt, 15” all-tube bass amp is filled with character. It delivers the thick fundamental tone that’s been responsible for huge bass sounds on records from the ’60s up until today.

The SVT-3PRO plugin accurately captures the sound of Ampeg’s renowned SVT-3PRO bass amp, a staple in modern bass recording. The original amp includes a tube front end with a solid-state power section, which is favored by artists such as Metallica, Primus, and Bootsy Collins. This combination results in a tight, contemporary version of the classic Ampeg tone, striking an ideal balance between tightness, grittiness, and clarity.

The SVT amps from Ampeg have long been a favorite of some of the most notable bass players out there, including Bootsy Collins, Darryl Jones, Michael Bradford, Chris Wyse and so many more. The tone of the SVT series is instantly recognizable, with a full supple bottom, and a satisfying growl in the midrange, setting the standard by which all bass amps are judged.

The legendary SVT bass amp came from Ampeg’s ambition to create the “biggest, nastiest bass amplifier the world has ever seen.” That mission was a resounding success, and the SVT-VR has proven itself repeatedly with unrivaled power to create weighty tones. The Ampeg SVT-VR plugin delivers the sound of the hardware in your digital audio workstation (DAW).

Experience the iconic sound of Ampeg’s V-4B bass amp head in a plugin format. This digital recreation captures the original’s classic warmth and dynamic range, offering the same distinctive “grind” and rich tonal texture. Ideal for studio production and live performance, this plugin brings the sound of the legendary V-4B to your digital audio workstation.

Ampeg B-15N v1.5.1
Ampeg SVT-3Pro v1.5.1
Ampeg SVT-VR Classic v1.5.1
Ampeg SVT-VR v1.5.1
Ampeg V-4B v1.5.1


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